11am Morning Meeting - All Welcome
- WHAT IS THE POINT? Our aim is to honour God together by speaking to Him, singing to Him and, above all, listening to Him.
- WHERE? DRBC - Main Church Hall
- WHEN? Every Sunday 11am
- WHAT CAN I EXPECT? We will sing together to praise God; we will pray together to Him; we will hear something read from the Bible; there will usually be a short talk especially for the children; there will be a Bible-based talk, known as a sermon. (Examples of these sermons are available to download from this website.) The children and Sunday School classes leave after about 30minutes. The whole gathering will last for about 75 minutes, and we encourage people to stay and have tea and biscuits with us afterwards. This is your opportunity to ask questions, chat, and get to know each other.
- WHO IS IT FOR? The meeting is open to anyone and everyone is welcome to join us. We try hard to include those who don't usually come to church; those from overseas; those with children; those with special needs; those with disabilities.
During our morning meetings we run these groups: Creche, Sunday School and Bible Class
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5pm Evening Meeting
- WHERE? DRBC - Side Hall
- WHEN? Every Sunday 5pm
- WHAT CAN I EXPECT? The evening meeting is similar to the morning in that we pray, sing, read the Bible and learn from it. The evening meeting is focussed on deepening our knowledge and application of the Bible to our lives. Therefore we sometimes have times of discussion, we regularly pray together for the needs of the church and our world, and we share The Lord's Supper (Communion) together on the first Sunday of each month.