Everything we know about God is available for anyone to read in the book known as the Bible. Although made up of the writings of many different people and compiled over a period of fifteen hundred years or more, it is a book with one consistent message. In fact, it can be summed up in just one sentence, […]
Everything we know about God is available for anyone to read in the book known as the Bible. Although made up of the writings of many different people and compiled over a period of fifteen hundred years or more, it is a book with one consistent message. In fact, it can be summed up in just one sentence, found in John’s Gospel chapter three, verse sixteen:
For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, so that whoever believes in Him might not perish but have eternal life.
Everything in the Bible relates in one way or another to this massive good news, that God has shown us great kindness and mercy in the death of His son to meet our deepest needs, free us from our guilt, remove from us the threat of hell and reconcile us to Himself for ever. In church, we aim to teach the Bible as accaurately and thoroughly as we can, to encourage the response of faith in Christ. You will find that our Sunday services, our youth and children’s work, our midweek homegroups and our occasional courses all focus in one way or another on teaching the Bible.
We would be happy to supply you with a Bible in modern English – other languages also available on request. We also have a wide range of Christian literature -books, pamphlets, tracts and booklets – available for you to buy, borrow or take away free of charge. We have CDs of sermons and talks for people to borrow and on the “Sermons” page of this website, you can download recent preaching from DRBC.