What we Believe
As a church, we have a Statement of Faith, which we believe accurately reflects the faith of Christ that God has revealed to us in the Bible.
Articles of Faith
1. The Scriptures
We believe that all the Scriptures of the Old and
New Testament are of Divine origin, given by inspiration
of the Holy Spirit and are the only rule of Faith and
Practice. This inspiration extends to the very words that
were originally given and so they are wholly reliable in
both fact and doctrine. II Tim.3:16 and II Peter 1:21
2. The Godhead
We believe that there is but one God; that there
are Three Persons in the Godhead, the Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit, and that these Three Persons are
equal in substance, power and glory.
Matt.28:19; II Cor.13:14
3. Original Sin
We believe that all mankind are sinners through
the fall of Adam and because of this, all are by nature
under condemnation.
Rom.5:12-19; Eph.2:1-5
4. Election
We believe that God loved His people with an
everlasting love; that they were eternally chosen in
Christ to salvation, holiness, spiritual affection and good
works and that this eternal and personal election is
entirely of free and sovereign grace and not at all on
account of any faith or good works foreseen in them.
Rom.8:28-30; Eph.1:4-5; Eph. 2:8,9
5. Redemption
We believe that Jesus Christ is the only Saviour.
He was born of the virgin Mary and became Man,
fulfilling all the Divine precepts and becoming obedient
to death, even the death of the cross. He put away sin
by the substitutionary sacrifice of Himself, suffering the
penalty of sin; so by His one offering He had perfected
for ever them that are sanctified. He then rose from the
dead and ascended into heaven where He sits at the
right hand of the Father.
Acts 4:l2; Matt. 1:22,23; I Pet.2:24; Heb.10:14; Acts.2:32,33
6. Regeneration and Effectual Calling
We believe that all people given to Christ, shall,
at the appointed time, come to Him, being born again of
the Holy Spirit, and effectually called by His Word.
John 6:37; John 3:5; John 10:27; Rom.8.30
7. Justification
We believe that men are justified by the righteousness of
Christ being imputed to them and received by faith
alone. Rom.3:22; Rom.5:17; II Cor.5:21
8. Perseverance
We believe that all who truly believe on the Lord
Jesus Christ are eternally saved, being kept by the grace
of God unto final redemption.
John 10:28,29; Rom.8:35-39
9. The Last Things
We believe in the Coming Again of our Lord Jesus
Christ for His people, the resurrection, the judgement,
the everlasting joy of the righteous, and everlasting
punishment of the wicked.
Acts 1:11; I Thess.4:14-17; II Thess.1:7-9
10. The Ordinances
We believe that Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are
of Divine authority; that none are proper subjects for
Baptism but such as exercise repentance toward God and
faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; that immersion of the
whole body is the only proper mode for Baptism; that
Baptism is a pre-requisite to Church Fellowship and its
privileges, the communion of the Lord’s Supper being an
ordinance of the local Church.
Matt.28:19; Luke 22: 19; Acts 2:38; Rom.6:4; Acts 2:41,42
11. Obligations of Believers
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is Lord and
Lawgiver to His people; that they are under obligation to
obediently regard the precepts of His Will, and therefore
should not forsake the assembling themselves together for
worship and the hearing of His Word, praying that the
Holy Spirit would make the Word effective in their
hearts. That all believers are commanded to make known
the grace and glory of the Lord Jesus both by the
holiness of their lives and the testimony of their lips.
I Cor.9:21; Heb.10:25; Matt.5:16; I Peter 3:15
12. The Local Church
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ alone is
head of the Church and rules His Church through the
Word by the ministry of Elders and Deacons, and the
Will of the Lord for the Church is made known by the
Spirit of God in the gathering of the members. That the
Church exists for the glory of God, the fellowship of
believers, for their edification in Christ, and for the
proclamation of the Gospel to the unconverted. That the
one local Church being in every sense a true valid
Church of Christ, has authority under Christ to choose
Elders and Deacons, appoint officers, receive and discipline members.
We consider ourselves under the greatest obligation
to embrace, maintain and defend all and each of these
doctrines and ordinances; believing it to be our duty and
privilege to stand fast in one spirit, with one mind
striving together for the faith of the Gospel.
We are also conscious that our life, both in the
Church and the world, ought to be such as becomes the
Gospel of Christ; we judge it to be our duty to ‘walk in
wisdom towards them that are without’, to exercise a
conscience void of offence towards God and man, by
living soberly, righteously and godly in this present age.
Eph.5:23; Titus 1:5-9; I Tim.3; Acts 13:2,3; Matt.18:17
Addition adopted at Church Meeting April 1998: Subject to the discretion of the Elders, visiting baptised believers, including those whose considered understanding of the teaching of Scripture as to the nature and mode of baptism may differ from our own but who are in good standing with another evangelical church may come to the Lord’s Supper. This provision is of temporary application only in any particular case.